LRDA Meeting Minutes 2019

Here you will be able to find the LRDA Board of Directors’ approved minutes to any LRDA Board Sanctioned meeting.
This will include but is not limited to General Membership meetings, Rules Committee Meetings, Captain’s Meetings and the monthly Board of Directors meetings.
Number of Attachments: 6
12-19 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6213 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 54.42 KB
11-16 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6176 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 54.56 KB
October Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6308 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 69.82 KB
11-2 LRDA Captains Meeting minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6270 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 63.99 KB
9-14 LRDA Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6246 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 195.41 KB
Aug 1 General Membership Meeting Minutes.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6330 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 180.40 KB

2019 Fall Season

2019 Fall Season

Fall 2019 Events
11/20/19 Round 1 of Playoffs
11/21/19 Round 2 of Playoffs
12/5/90 Championship Round of Playoffs
12/12/19 Top 40/16 Tournament
12/19/19 End of Season Party
Held at the Elks Lodge- Board to provide Meats League Members to bring sides

July 27, 10:25 AM - Bars and Locations, Current Schedule and Current Standings on the above TABS have been updated
Number of Attachments: 6
End of Season A Div Standings (1).pdf
Number of Downloads: 5921 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 52.17 KB
End of Season B Div Standings (2).pdf
Number of Downloads: 5888 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 45.95 KB
End of Season C Div Standings (3).pdf
Number of Downloads: 5820 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 42.22 KB
End of Season Overall Standings (4).pdf
Number of Downloads: 5939 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 106.40 KB
2019 Fall LRDA Fall Schedule.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6083 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 238.45 KB
2019 Fall LRDA Bar locations and Captains.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6017 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 70.83 KB

2019 Calendar / 2019 Events

2019 Calendar / 2019 Events

Here all darters will be able to find an event they may want to participate in.

Please keep in mind, the 2019 Calendar and 2019 Events will be updated as needed, look for the any Revised Editions.

If you got dates for any of the following tournaments; for example, the Chicken Coop, Curtis Memorial, Razorback Open,
Special Olympic Benefit, Little Rock Open , etc.,
Email me know and I will update the Calendar and Events. Send this information to Ron, my email

Latest Revisions:
The 2019 LRDA Calendar will not be available for review – voted by Majority vote of the current LRDA Board
5th Annual Bob Bettis Classic News Letter/Results
2019 LRDA Calendar - Revised May 16, 2019 - Final Edition
2019 LRDA Calendar - Revised May 12, 2019
2019 LRDA Calendar - Revised May 10, 2019
2019 Little Rock Open Air Dart Tournament News Letter - Posted April 14, 2019
2019 5th Bob Bettis Classic - Resized March 26,2019
2019 Little Rock Open Air - Revised March 22, 2019
2019 LRDA Calandar - February 20, 2019
2019 Mid-South Events - Revised December 9, 2018
2019 Mid-South Calendar - Revised December 9, 2018
Number of Attachments: 11
5th Annual Bob Bettis Classis News Letter.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7993 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 193.39 KB
2019 Little Rock Open Air Dart Tournament News Letter.docx
Number of Downloads: 7997 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 83.46 KB
BBC 2019 -Resized March 26, 2019.jpg
Number of Downloads: 67258 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 607.83 KB
2019 Little Rock Open Air - Revised #2 March 22, 2019.jpg
Number of Downloads: 67276 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 532.80 KB
2019 Chicken Coop Flyer.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7992 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 828.71 KB
2019 Bowie County Special Olympics.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7924 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 693.78 KB
2019 Mid-South Events - Revised December 9, 2018.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7800 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 114.10 KB
2019 Mid-South Calendar - Revised December 9, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7726 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 264.26 KB
38th Annual Chicken Coop Open - June 6th - 9th 2019.jpg
Number of Downloads: 67545 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 107.53 KB
2019 Mid-South Events.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7671 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 110.96 KB
2019 Mid-South Calendar.pdf
Number of Downloads: 7543 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 255.70 KB

2019 Spring Season

2019 Spring Season

Results for Week 15, April 25, 2019

Here is your 2019 Summer League schedule

Get your score sheets below in the posted attachments
Number of Attachments: 12
2019 Summer League Schedule.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6499 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 162.08 KB
2018 Scoresheet - 5 - Final Edit.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6427 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 190.95 KB
2019 Spring - Top 40 Men.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6447 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 124.64 KB
2019 Spring - Top 16 Women.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6480 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 91.39 KB
2019 Newsletter - End of Season Spring Party.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6541 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 156.03 KB
LRDA Roster Form(new).pdf
Number of Downloads: 6485 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 57.15 KB
Schedule - Game Match Outcome - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6474 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 287.28 KB
LRDA_Standings before Penalties applied - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6435 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 147.19 KB
2019 Spring Overall QPA - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6552 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 469.96 KB
2019 Spring C Division Overall QPA - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6402 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 267.40 KB
2019 Spring B Division Overall QPA - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6426 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 250.99 KB
2019 Spring A Division Overall QPA - Week 15, April 25, 2019.pdf
Number of Downloads: 6414 (Does not count downloads from "here")
Filesize: 257.92 KB