Local Dart Tournaments
Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:01 pm
by Jaxx_22
I know there are a few days and locations that host LODs on the weekends. Could somebody in the know post the full details on days/locations/times for sign-ups and play etc...
Re: Local Dart Tournaments
Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:40 pm
by Tim_Brown
Friday night there is Luck of the Draw at Zack's Place. I believe the official start time is 8:15, but you have to be there and signed up no later than either 7:45 or 8:00. I could be mistaken on times, but it's best to be there no later than 7:45.
As far as I know, on Saturdays there are still TWO Luck of the Draws being ran. One at Smokey's Pub in Sherwood and one at Rack 'Em off Cantrell in Little Rock, the start times are the same, best to be there no later than 7:45.
Entry fee is $6 for all of the LOD's.